By: Dr. Anurudh Verma M.D. (Homeo), Sr. Associate Editor-ICN Group
LUCKNOW: Generaly in winter season skin get dry and rough and its creating unessiness. Dry and rough skin also not look good. Homoeopathic medicines are very effective for dry and rough skin and its associated symptoms. They are safe, no side effects and cure the condition permanently .Some of the important remedies are given below. Aconite, Alumina., Arsenic, Beladona, Calcarea carb, Graphitis, Hydrocotyle, Iodium., Lycopodium, Natrum carb, Nitric acid., Nux m., Plumb., Psorinum., Sabadilla., Sars., Sec.,
SULPHUR –Sulphur is one of the top remedies for dry, itchy skin. Sulphur is effective for both itching and dryness of skin. Sulphur is prescribed where the skin is excessively dry and itchy. Itching leads to scratching and itching usually worsens at night Sulphur is effective for a burning sensation in skin. The skin also looks very dirty and is very unhealthy. An aversion to bathing may be noticed in people needing Sulphur.
ALUMINIA – Aluminia is another effective remedy for dry skin where the skin is chapped and dry tottery. There is intolerable itching when getting warm in bed. The patient scratch until it bleeds, then it becomes painful.Brittle skin on fingers.
PETROLEUM –Petroleum is the best medicine to deal with dry skin occurring in winter. The main symptoms for the use of this remedy are dry, rough and cracked skin. The skin feels harsh to touch. The skin is sensitive and rough to touch. The cracks can be deep enough to cause even bleeding.
SILICEA-Dry finger tips.
ARSENIC ALBUM –Arsenic alb is prescribed for dry skin with itching , burning and swelling. The skin is dry, rough and scaly which is worse from cold and scratching. The patient have great anxiety and restlessness. There is a thirst for small quantities of water at short intervals.
BRYONIA ALB –Bryonia alb is effective for dry and chapped lips. Cracks appear on lips and Bryonia heals the chapped lips and restores them to their normal state.Another leading symptom excessive thirst for cold water in large quantites is characteristic .
SARSAPARILLA -Sarasaparilla is best for dry skin when dry skin with wrinkles is present. Here the skin is dry to a great extent with a shrunken and shriveled appearance. The skin is hard and rough to touch. The skin also seems to be present in folds with wrinkles.
MALANDRINUM -The nosode Malandrinum is effective for treatment of skin with cracks on hands and feet. The cracks appearing in winter season respond very well to this medicine. Malandrium, thus, is the best remedy for all the patients who have dry, cracked skin on feet and hands. Itching may also be an accompanying feature.
NUX MOSCHATA – Nux moschata is effective for extreme dryness on mucous membrane and skin. The tongue adheres to roof of mouth but no desire for water.
DULCAMARA-Pruritus, always worse in cold, wet weather. Herpes zoster, pemphigus. Swelling and indurated glands from cold. Thick, brown-yellow crusts, bleeding when scratched.
- Keep baths or showers short. Use warm , not hot water.
- Use a little soap as possible.
- Dry your skin throughly but gently.
- Use bath oils and moisturizers at least daily. Thick , greasy moisturizers work best. Avoid products with alcohol. Apply just after a bath or shower, when your skin is still damp.
- Drink plenty of water through out the day.
- Apply cool compresses to itching areas.